Sunday, November 20, 2011

the true story of my friendship

When we lose a friend, we die a little.

Friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.

If you want long friendships, develop a short memory

dear my friend:

 we have had some good times
and we have had some though
i thought we'll always be together and sail along in hardship
but who knows
yes, people come and go as they pleased
and so are you
the only friend i cared for
left me with a broken heart and tears
even when you said nothing bout that matter
but actions speak louder than words
your ignorance and the way you talked to me
made me understood the situation

you text me
asked for apologize for all your wrong doing
yes dear
i forgave you
eventhough it's easy to forgive yet it's hard to forget
our friendship will never be the same as before 

 dat's right
i trust you
i love you
but the gap between us is impossible to bring us back together
i will remember you my friend
great friend in the past
but now
i already had your replacement right now
we're still a friends

a true friendship story of mine
-cik ain-

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